Tag Archive | "world of warcraft"

WoW Gold Buying

Wow Gold Buying Safety Measures

WoW Gold BuyingOk, you’re sick and tired of grinding and working 8 hours of day in World of Warcraft to make that 100 gold. It’s time to buy some WoW Gold and buy it now. But wait, who do you buy from? Who can you trust? You want the best price but you don’t want to get ripped off by some fly by night gold seller… believe me there are plenty of them. I’ll out line a good starting point for you so you know what to look for when buying.

Before you buy there are a few ground rules and precautions you should know. First, it may seem like common sense, but never give out your password or login information to any gold seller. They don’t need it! They only need to know what server you’re on and where to meet you.

You also should check into the seller’s reputation. One simple tactic is googling their name and quickly looking over what others have said about them. Also if they use paypal as a payment method be sure they are a paypal certified merchant that accepts credit card payments. Sellers must go through a long process with paypal verifying their credit card, identity, address, and bank account. If anything goes wrong paypal can track them easily. Also paypal has a list of reputation points for all their merchant sellers. You can easily see how many sales the wow gold seller has made via paypal. I would recommend not buying from a seller with less than 10 sales.

Another thing I always do before buying wow gold is talk to someone! I know you might hate the thought of picking up the phone and calling to some company when all you want to do is click a button to order. So, don’t call. Talk to live support. Every good wow gold seller will have 24/7 live chat support. If they don’t, they can’t deliver your gold when you want it… now! So make sure you talk to someone before ordering even if all you do is ask them if they’re awake. This way they’ll know you’re ordering and be waiting to fulfill your order as soon as it comes through.

So use some common sense when buying World of Warcraft gold online. It’s easy to think you’re still in a safe game when you really need to consider the person or company you buy from fairly carefully before buying.

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wow gold farming

10 Basic WoW Gold Farming Tips

wow gold farming1. Its really easy and should be done right from the start of the game. Grab the 2 primary professions, mining and skinning. While you’re out leveling yourself you can easily skin the animals. You’re bound to eventually enter a mine which will have many minerals. Be sure to mine those ores. You can easily sell off the extra items to merchants or players.

2. Make sure you grab quests every chance you get. You can easily gain additional exp, gold, items and faction while you’re leveling. You may even complete some of your quests with out even knowing because they normally require you to kill off mobs or require you to travel/speak to other NPCs. The quests of World of Warcraft are more player friendly than other MMORPGs.

3. Don’t spend any money buying World of Warcraft items, equipments and other accessories early in the game. Low level characters from 1-40 are not gear dependent. Along with that fact, you’ll get a nice load of items from just completing quests.

4. While you’re out leveling, there are certain monsters that has better drops than others. An example would be humanoids. They tend to drop more gold and items than any other creatures in the World of Azeroth.

5. This is the advice I give to friends. When setting up your character, be sure first to read about the characters plus, and minuses; then set up for the strong and weak points. Take in consideration how the character supports himself and how the character can keep going and keep on track to level without losses.

6. Don’t spend money on items at the auction during the first 10 levels of your character. Almost everything you will need will drop to you from the quests. Keep your activities balance in the amount time of questing and making products. Then, as you gain money from making and questing you will see your pocket grow.

7. The usual, your character does by the skills he has, whether it is mining, leather, or tailoring. You make and sell your products. This is how you gain, the more you practice your trade, the more gold you have in your pocket, when you sell the items. The higher the level your character is the higher the prices in the prices of your products.

8. Resale, this happened during the holidays. I know of a character that went out and bought snowballs and after collecting many, was selling them at a higher price to others. Later, bragging about the profit. Take advantage of this.

9. Once you level some you can charge others to guide them through lower quests that you can whiz threw. There are many ways to make money, for example you can protect and kill for lower characters.

10. In the group playing, be sure to express your wants and needs, to keep the character going. Drink and food on hand before; so your character can keep going till the quest is completed.

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wow tips

WoW Tips And Secrets For Making The Gold You Want

wow tipsWorld of Warcraft is an amazing MMORPG with over 10 million subscribers as of January 2008 and has been providing a fun filled gaming experience to all of those who play it since 2004. As with anything though – money makes the world go around and World of Warcraft is no exception.

There are many ways to make or earn gold in WoW – you can craft, enchant, mine or even kill monsters for it. The game is so extensive it is possible to graft hard and earn a fortune, however, many players are now purchasing World of Warcraft gold instead, to save the hard slog and spend more time doing the pursuits in game that they enjoy more.

Bags are a must in WoW. The more bags you have, the more you can carry – the more you can carry, the more gold you can make! Simple! The problem is though, bags are expensive and although they can be crafted by tailors they often require materials that are either very expensive, or hard to get hold of. This is one of the reasons that many players end up buying World of Warcraft gold online to get them started.

Enchanting is another very profitable exercise in WoW. By ‘disenchanting’ magical items, it is possible to get a material from it, which you can use to make another item more valuable or alternatively just sell it instead of using it. These materials are hard to get hold of though and certain ones earn more gold than others, so many end up buying World of Warcraft gold to buy the materials to enhance their Enchanting skill faster, or to enchant that special item to make their character stronger, or faster in combat.

I want to share with you world of warcraft players a technique I use to generate thousands of gold with only a level 1 alt character in World of Warcraft. The secret is a U.I addon called auctioneer. Many people buy gold or spend hours grinding which is just not fun. Once you get auctioneer, here are the simple steps you can take to generate all of your gold

The first thing you want to do is create you alt and run him or her to Orgrimer or the main city by you with an Auction House. With your main you want to start your alt off with a tiny bit of cash, anything from say 50 silver to 2 gold. Now your U.I add on will be installed and ready to go. You go to the auction house and click on an auctioneer character. The first screen will pop up and you will click, SCAN. What this does is scan every single auction that is up for sale! Nice little trick.

Now that takes about 2-3 minutes. When that is finished you go to browse auction tab. What I do to find instant profits is select item by BUYOUT, and at least 1 gold profit. I then search the items and order them by sale price with the cheapest items at the top. There are usually about 10-20 items under 1 gold that will get you 2 gold profit!

Start buying the items that get you at least 1 gold profit and it will start steam rolling from there. After a while you can start buying items for 20g getting you another 20 gold profit. A very simple and easy trick or secret to world of warcraft! Enjoy.

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