Categorized | World Of Warcraft Tips

Want To Become The Most Popular Player In Azeroth?


As gamers, it’s always fun to show off our achievements to our friends. Enjoy the joy and feeling of winning others. In World of Warcraft (WoW), one of the best ways to show ‘victory’ is through Titles –by earning bragging rights.

It is literally give you a special “title” before your player name that all other players can see. As you aware the titles are not easily attained. Most of the time require you build up a ton of reputation with the games various factions to earn them.

Thank God…. There are some tools available to get the job done with ease – one of the best tools is Zygors Titles, Macros and Reputation guide. Also, there is in-game guide that dynamically syncs with your character to help you walk through all the quests you need to do to earn awesome rewards, build reputation and obtain that coveted title you’re after.

Another good feature in Zygor is, it has macros section complete with premade macros that allows you load right onto your action bar and start using right away. Those are class hot keys to help you perform multiple actions without having to press all sorts of different buttons.

Log on to to try out a free trial today! Or, click on image below to find out more.




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