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Zygor’s Dailies and Events Guide – Hit Level 90 and don’t know what to do next?


When you hit level 90, there are so many things to do that it can often be hard knowing where to start. Quite often, most people focus on maxing out their character first because once you hit level 90 a whole new world of opportunity opens up to you. At that time when making a new character in World of Warcraft, your option is somehow limited.

There are a lots of activities in the game, one of the most popular activities to do in the end-game are repeatable quests you can complete once every day called Dailies – which offer reputation, gold, and other rewards. However, there are so many Dailies, and so many factors it takes to unlock them, that is is easy to get confused and lost.

After few efforts browsing in internet, I finally found – Zygor’s Dailies and Events Guide – in-game software guides that walk you through anything you would like to do in World of Warcraft using a step by step format that dynamically updates as you complete each step.

There is rotating #D arrow to points you exactly where you need to go. The function just like Google Maps for Azeroth and calculating the fastest directions to get to your next location. You should really have TRY it in action to see how amazing it is!

The Guide includes all the new dailies found in Pandaria, as well as all the past dailies in areas such as Deepholm, Northrend, Outland and Firelands. In addition, you will also get sets of profession Dailies for Cooking, Fishing and Jewelcrafting.

For you information, Zygor’s Guide also covers all 12 months of events (all seasonal events), including mini world events like new Brawler’s Guild and Darkmoon Faire. Don’t you feel it sounds too good to be true for you to try out Zygor’s Guides for yourself today for free on their official website.

zygor dailies & events


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