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Zygor’s Dungeon and Gear Guide – Tired of Running Your Dungeon Group Around In Circles?


Do you ever think of better way instead of struggle to get that sweet reward of new gear? Although Blizzard has gone a long way to make Dungeons more accessible to users through various game changes like the Dungeon Finder, it can still be a challenge at times getting through the various dungeon quests and bosses.

Well, after few weeks of searching which is best guide, I found Zygor’s Dungeon and Gear guide. If you’ve never heard of Zygor, it is in-game guides (a step by step format) to walk you through every aspects of World of Warcraft (WoW).

Their guides take you through all of the major Dungeon quests and includes unique strategies for taking down the toughest bosses and foes, that means you will always know what to do even if you’ve never been to that dungeon before.

With help of Dungeons content, the guide comes with unique features to help you track down the best Gear. There is a very useful feature, called the Gear Finder, scans your characters current items and then looks through the database of dungeon items to find the best upgrades for you.

Whenever you obtain new can,it will notify you when an upgrade has been found and can even auto-equip it for you. If all of this sounds too good to be true to you, you can try out Zygor’s Guides for yourself today for free on their official website or click on image.

zygor Dungeons


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