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Top Secret Tip: Fastest Way To Reach Level 100 in Warlords of Draenor

The fifth World of Warcraft expansion launched just last November and for the first time ever you’ll be able to instantly boost one of your characters to level 90 and begin experiencing all of the new content in Warlords of Draenor right away. However, leveling up beyond that point will still be the standard affair, requiring you to complete hundreds and hundreds of quests to gain additional levels.

Whether you’re a new or experienced player this can be a tedious and time consuming process as you’ll have to learn the mechanics and layout of all the new zones for the very first time.

However, I know of a way to experience this new content like a veteran who has played through it multiple times already and knows the most optimal questing path on day one. With every expansion I’ve used this method to power level my characters and blaze past my friends and guild mates at lightning speeds leaving them scratching their heads and asking how I do it. So what’s my big secret? Simple...Zygor’s In-Game Leveling Guide.
If you’ve never heard of Zygor or an “in-game guide” before here’s a quick rundown. Zygor is a team of professional WoW players who are dedicated to reaching max level in the fastest time possible and making this information available in guide form.

But here’s what makes their guides truly special: Zygor also creates their very own Guide Viewer addon which allows you to use the guides INSIDE the game. This means you don’t have to alt-tab or print anything out, everything is displayed right on your screen in a easy, step by step, walkthrough format.

The guide not only tells you exactly where to go, what quests to pick up, and how to complete objectives, but it is also able to dynamically detect your actions, tracking your progress in real time and automatically moving forward as you finish each step. There’s even a 3D arrow with GPS-like functionaly that gives you directions and points you exactly where to go so you’ll never find yourself lost again.
With the upcoming launch of Warlords of Draenor, Zygor has announced that their guides will be fully updated and ready to go when the expansion is released. If you pre-order Zygor’s 1-100 Leveling Guide they’ll even throw in their all new Garrison Guide as a special bonus. So don’t delay, preorder your copy now by clicking below:
Until next time,
Chris Lee

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